Jenny Gao 高青敏
An embroidery stand, a chair, a calm and tender beauty, a pair of slender hands sewing and stitching a piece with Plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, known as the “Four Nobles of Flowers” in Chinese culture. Jenny Gao, the founder and owner of ‘Xiu Zhen Ge’, is one of top master artists of Chinese Embroidery. She wields her needles with fondness, expresses meaning with threads, marries emotion and purpose, and conveys her artistic connotation with rich and flexible needlework.
Every piece of artwork by Jenny Gao has been an innovation. From the style, pattern, needlework, thread matching, cloth to the colour, everything has been carefully constructed and precisely executed. With the entirety of her emotion and hard work, her creations achieve uniqueness.
Jenny Gao (Qingmin Gao) has been studying the art of embroidery with her grandmother since the age of 6. To further improve her techniques, she made a life-changing decision to move to the city of Suzhou in her early adulthood and met her mentor in embroidery. She focused on the studying with whole-hearted commitment. Every involving creation of art was an enrichment to her life, every completed piece was a wonderful source of joy. In 2008, she founded “Xiu Zhen Ge”, the Art Centre of Embroidery. As an advocate and pioneer in her field, Gao has made remarkable achievements and major contributions to the flourishing of Chinese embroidery culture.
“It took a lot of courage for me to decide to promote Chinese embroidery art in Australia,” said Gao, “just like when I first started ‘Xiu Zhen Ge’ in China, people who truly understands the art are relatively rare. The current difficulties I’m facing is even harder to deal with than when I was in China. But I believe Australia as a multi-cultural country will be able to accept and fall in love with the art of embroidery in no time.”
- Jenny